It’s almost impossible to keep up with all the fractal-like Java standards related to web services. As fast as each can be learned, Sun invents another, and a dozen open source implementations appear. For my own sanity I tried to create a rough map of some of them. I tried to avoid making recommendations; my main objective was to sketch out how they fit together. I also focused on the open source options; there are many good commercial implementations of all of these too.
First, it’s important to understand that in the open source world, there are three main players with implementations of of these standards: Sun, the Apache foundation, and Codehaus. There are other open source implementations as well, but these are the three 800 pound gorillas, for a total of 2400 pounds, or almost exactly one metric tonne (for our international audience).
Second, keep in mind that there are three important APIs which are inter-related: JAX-WS, JAXB, and StAX. Once you understand how these fit together, everything else falls into place more easily.
Let’s begin our journey with the latest Sun standard for creating and consuming web services: JAX-WS, which stands for Java API for XML Web Services. This standard was introduced in 2004. You can ignore JAX-RPC, since JAX-WS replaces it.
There are three noteworthy implementations of JAX-WS. The first is from Sun, and is called JAX-WS RI for the JAX-WS Reference Implementation (they always had a way with names). The second and third are both from the Apache Group and are called Axis2 and CXF. You can ignore Axis1, XFire, and Celtix, since they are all obsolete. There is also a web service framework called Spring-WS, but it’s not JAX-WS compliant.
So if you are creating web services in Java, the first order of business is to to choose an implementation to work with, and unless you have a reason not to, you should probably stick to one that complies with JAX-WS, which means either JAX-WS RI, Axis2, or CXF.
Related to these is an open source project from Sun called Web Services Interoperability Technologies (WSIT), previously known as Project Tango. This is an implementation of several web service standards (WS-SecurityPolicy, WS-ReliableMessaging, and so on). Metro is an open source web service stack which is a combination of JAX-WS RI and WSIT (so it’s actually a reasonable fourth option).
JAX-WS is oriented around SOAP web services, but many programmers are now using the REST approach. Sun is coming out with the JAX-RS API to support that, but it’s not quite ready yet.
Web service development requires mapping between XML and Java objects. JAXB is the Sun API for that (also referred to as JAXB2 since the latest version is the important one). There are two noteworthy implementations: JAXB-RI (Sun’s reference implementation) and JaxMe (the unfortunately named contribution from Apache). JaxMe is in the incubation stage and is not formally part of Apache yet. There are many other interesting and popular XML/Java mapping frameworks, but most of them are not compliant with JAXB. Examples include Castor (from Codehaus), JiBX (a spectacularly fast open source implementation), and XMLBeans (a flexible implementation from Apache).
A recurring source of confusion is that in the past, Sun was less clear about the distinction between APIs and reference implementations, so people would take JAXB to mean both, and you would often see online articles like “Which is better: JAXB or JiBX?” But today developers should always try to use the JAXB API, which will enable a choice of compliant implementations such as JAXB-RI or JaxMe with minimal or no code changes.
For Java code that needs to read and write large XML documents quickly without necessarily mapping them to objects, there is the Streaming API for XML (StAX). There are several implementations of this API too. There is the Sun Java Streaming XML Parser called SJSXP (another snappy name from Sun), the Woodstox open source implementation which is excellent, and the StAX reference implementation from Codehaus which is referred to simply as StAX (unfortunately perpetuating the confusion between APIs and implementations). Xerces is a streaming XML processing library which used to be part of the Apache project, and work was underway to make it StAX compliant, but that was dropped.
Putting it all together
Web services need to process XML, sometimes mapping it to and from Java objects (e.g. for creating proxy objects and an RPC-like experience), and sometimes processing it directly (e.g. for streaming results when high performance is needed). Therefore Sun designed the JAX-WS API to rely on the JAXB API, which makes perfect sense; any JAX-WS compliant web service implementation should be able to use any JAXB compliant mapping library. Other relationships between these APIs are up to individual implementations. For example, JAX-WS RI supports the StAX API, so you can use any StAX implementation for streaming. CXF also supports the StAX API, as well as a host of Java/XML mapping options including JAXB (allowing the use of any JAXB compliant mapping implementation), XMLBeans, Castor, and JiBX. Yes, they are heroes.
So if you get confused, just ask yourself clarifying questions like: Which Java web service libraries support JAX-WS? Which JAXB compliant Java/XML mapping implementation shall I use for this project? Which is better for processing streaming XML: Woodstox or the StAX reference implementation?
If you’re still confused, then just accept the recommendations I promised not to make: Use CXF for your web services (which complies with JAX-WS), JAXB-RI for your Java/XML mapping (which complies with JAXB), and Woodstox for streaming (which complies with StAX).
Great post man. This webservices jungle is tough to get a hold on to.
Will you update this list when we finally throw off the yoke of our XML oppressors? But seriously aren’t some of the phone people experimenting and implementing non-XML based “web services”?
Absolutely. And Sun Microsystems will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes. As for non-XML based “web services”, can you provide more details? I know of Hessian, Google Protocol Buffers, and a couple of other non-XML systems – but I don’t know of any specific to voice technology providers or carriers.
[…] Joe on Computing : A maze of twisty little Java web service standards, all alike – It’s almost impossible to keep up with all the fractal-like Java standards related to web services. As fast as each can be learned, Sun invents another, and a dozen open source implementations appear. For my own sanity I tried to create a rough map of some of them. I tried to avoid making recommendations; my main objective was to sketch out how they fit together. I also focused on the open source options; there are many good commercial implementations of all of these too. […]